In addition to collaborating on global program and course development, we want to make services accessible to you. We provide guidance, insights, and advice for prospective students looking to join the Vancouver Summer Program.
Maps & Guides
Navigate your way around Vancouver to find groceries, eats, entertainment and more!
UBC Residence Guides
Health & Wellbeing
Academic & Learning Resources
UBC Learning Commons is located on the third floor of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. The Learning Commons offers study space, resources, toolkits, and a range of programs to enhance your learning. You can also go to the Learning Commons for:
- Technology Support
- Tutoring
- Writing support
- Study skills workshops
- Peer Academic Coaching
The Chapman Learning Commons has computers, study space for group work, comfortable individual study areas, and space for workshops and events.
UBC Heat Guide
Learn how to stay cool in extreme heat!
UBC Climate Hub: Tips & Strategies
Find out which campus buildings are air-conditioned and some FREE activities you can do to cool off.